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Our Newsletters


Fun Fundraiser!

Everest Optimists Club Essay  Winners

Here are the winners of this years club level essay contest

with the topic: "How Optimism Has Paved My Road To Success"

1st Place and a  $500 Scholarship,  Cecilia Hoffman (DCE)

2nd Place and a $400 Scholarship,  Candence Rice (DCE)

3rd Place and a $300 Scholarship,  Ella Budleski (DCE)

4th Place and a $200 Scholarship, Lydia Szeto (NLHS)

5th Place and a $100 Scholarship, Keagan Carlson (DCE)

    Congratulations Everyone, Great Essays

First place moves on to the District Level for a chance at $2500

Everest Optimists Speach Contest Winners

Topic of this years Speach: "How Optimism has Guided Me Through Trying Times"

                   1st Place and a $500 Scholarship goes to Blaine Plugar

                    2nd Place and a $400 Scholarship to Cailey Sippl

                   3rd Place and a $300 Scholarship to Arabella Myslak

                    4th Place and a $200 Scholarship to Debbie Yang

                     5th Place and a $100 Scholarship to Chinou Lee        

             Congratulations everyone and Thank you for participating

          First Place moves on to the District Level for a chance at $2500, $1500 

                                  or $1000 for first, second and third



Upcoming Events

Badger Party at Sams Pizza
   March 22nd at noon
   Raffle prizes, food & fun

Youth Events​
Every 1st and 3rd Thursdays
our meetings include a
Student of the month

Food Truck Events​
Done for the year
Cheese curds back in spring

Facebook News

New Member Recruitment Party

(C) Everest Area Optimist Club - 2022 |  Sight Map
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